Graphic Designer / Art Director


Clean, simple logo designs that make great foundations for branding.



The first thing that struck me about Oenophilia's logo was that, despite the tagline, there was no reference to the wine drinking experience or the company's diverse and boldly colorful product assortment. The new logo introduced a more vibrant color palette and lettering that is more on-trend with the housewares industry.



Most people can not pronounce the word Oenophilia (the first "o" is silent). In a chaotic retail environment, having a long brand name that is difficult to pronounce isn't ideal. However, the company name wasn't up for discussion. My solution: If you can't change it, own it. So the name was shortened, emphasis was deliberately placed on the "e," and a stumbling block was transformed into a memorable brand quirk.



The updated Greenophile logo is much simpler than its predecessor, and incorporates a bolder typeface that reads better in print and on packaging.

Vintage 82

Vintage 82

This rustic-themed logo was designed for a line of premium wine and barware accessories.

Bike Nashbar

Bike Nashbar

Bike Nashbar, a closeout oriented cycling retailer, wasn't looking for a complete overhaul of their image. Instead, we opted to freshen up their logo with a more trendy type face and an icon that would appeal to their "gear head" customer base.

Dutton Home Services

Dutton Home Services

A good friend of mine moved to Wilmington, NC to start a home inspection/handy man business. When he asked me for a logo design, his instructions were simple. It needed to have his name, something relating to handyman work and a coastal/surf vibe. Since I love the coast, and nautical symbols, this was a fun project for me!