Graphic Designer / Art Director

Pentair Marketing Campaigns

Examples of dynamic marketing campaigns that captivate and convert! These meticulously organized and visually engaging marketing assets harness diverse forms of content to boost sales enablement and drive results.

"Waves to Save" Promotion

"Waves to Save" Promotion

An example of a robust strategy taking steps beyond the email campaign to equip salespeople and distributors with marketing materials to support the Waves To Save promotion out in the field.

The pictured assets were part of downloadable marketing kit that accompanied the initial send, containing instructions, point breakdowns, as well as talking points. The target audience was given a more simplified version of the promotion.

The objective was to incentivize members of our loyalty program to hit certain point thresholds and win prizes, in turn boosting sales and increasing engagement.

"Enhance Your Spraying Performance" Informative Email

"Enhance Your Spraying Performance" Informative Email

Sent out in support of a new product launch the goal of this email was to educate our audience on the benefits of the Pentair spray nozzle assortment and how each model affects spray patterns and performance.

I worked with my team to leverage multiple forms of content such as videos, spray pattern charts, and a downloadable app that could be accessed with the pictured QR code. All content was available by clicking through the email itself. All of this was done in an effort to make otherwise dry, technical content more engaging.