Fun and engaging promotional videos for products.
Wino Sippers
A humorous infomercial for Wino Sippers. Video & Editing: Leslie G. Baker
Graphics & Voiceover: Rob Morales
No Beer Left Behind
A promotional video for Growler Carriers.
Video & Editing: Rob Morales
Viva Techno!
A promotional video for Techno Corkscrews.
Video & Editing: Rob Morales
Which Corkscrew is Right for You?
An educational video about corkscrews.
Video & Editing: Leslie G. Baker
Shake, Rattle & Pour
A promotional video for the Shake, Rattle & Pour cocktail shaker.
Video & Editing: Rob Morales
Flight of the Drinkware
An epic promotional video for Shatterproof Drinkware.
Video & Editing: Rob Morales